2018 AIM PHARM .INC. Outdoor Activity Successfully Completed


In order to improve coordination and solidarity across functional groups and build up good communication and team work, Aim Pharm. Group Co., Ltd organized an outdoor activity called "I am playing, I am outstanding" on Apr 4th. The activity was participated by more than 50 excellent employees, including manamgement teams from production factory, marketing center and employee representatives with Weiao Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

The coach started the activity with some funny warm-up games which got everyone elated.     After the warm-up, people were divided into four groups, each of which has a captain, a deputy captain, a flagman and teammembers. Each team has an exciting catchword, an unique logo and formation. The distinctive personality and full potential of each participant has made the activity great fun.

During the activity, members from each group competed each other on three games, namely "Angry Bird", "Drumming and Stopping", "Smile Testing", in which everyone has strong interest and enthusiasm. At the pre-start stage of each game, people worked together in the brainstorming and had a group discussion to find out the key point to win the game; during the game, everyone played to their extrodinary performance to win points for their group. Through such games, people learned the importance of mutual trust, effective communication, thinking from other's perspective, reasonable orgnazation, leadership, strong execution ability and teamwork, all of which not only played a critical role in the game but also are the key elements for company management.


During the whole course of the event, everyone proactively participated in the games. They chose to take challenges and worked out opportunities. People cheered up each other and encouraged each other. The morning activity ended with everyone's hilarity and laughing.

In the afternoon, the coach organized a hide-and-shoot game called "Couter Strike". Taking place in an extrem hot weather, the fierce "gunplay" seemed to be more exciting with every "Soldiar" running, hiding and shooting each other among trees, buildings and bushes. They demonstrated their courage, intelligence and team spirit. What makes the game more funny is that the coach set two "hidden traitors" in each team. So players have to fight back their enemies and in the mean time watch out betrayals from the traitors. It was great fun to see everybody using his technique to determine who is with him and who is against him.  


Every participant and game winners got a gift at the end of the "I am playing, I am outstanding" activity and ended it with a loud applause.


Through the activity, we refreshed employees' understanding to strength of a team and promoted the importance of having an effective communication and coordination, cohesion and mutual incentivation and harmonious interpersonal relationship in an organization. The activity also enhanced employees' sense of belonging to Aim Pharm. With concerted efforts from everyone, we believe we will have a bright prosperous future.  

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